What Is This Site?It's a role-playing website for Harry Potter, for more information on role-play look
How Can I Join?First of all you need to sign up, with your character's name as a username preferably. Then you need to fill in the character log sheets so we can know who you are and your backgroung etc. Your character can be canon (from the books or movies) or non-canon (completely made up out of your own head). The canon let's you take on a person of your choice that requires knowledge of the character's mannerisms, and non-canon requires an imagination for you to bring a new character to life! But remember, if someone else has picked a canon character you wanted and they are still active, you'll need to pick someone else. No copies!
You Said Some Like 'Log'?Yes! I've supplied the links, just click on whatever you wish.
Students (Canon)Adults (Canon) Students (Non-Canon)Adults (Non-Canon) Character Application Form - Fill This In! How Do You Role-Play?Role-Play (RP) is fairly simple, basically someone starts a thread and other people can join in and write replies as though their character was there. On this forum, refrain from using "text-talk" which is things like "How r u?" and "c u l8r". We write as though it was a kind of storybook. Examples can be found all around the board. If you have any questions see the links below.
Role-Play For Dummies (Q&A)How To Make An Introduction How Many Characters Can I Have?As many as you like, I believe. I think you may only be allowed one canon character, however... but as many non-canons as you like!
How Do I Upload An Avatar?Go to the 'Profile' tab and then 'Avatar'. There you can upload one directly from your computer or via a seperate website.
How Do I Write My Signature?The signature function on this board is currently down, but it'll be back up as soon as possible; once it is I'll edit this part and tell you how to do it. But generally it's the same as the Avatar but instead of going to 'Avatar', go to 'Signature'.
Who Are The Forum Admins?Remus John Lupin is the main Administrator. He set up the website. Harry James Potter has some Administrator privelleges through select forums also.
Can I Start Once I've Followed These Rough Guidelines?Yes! Just remember to use full language and write properly!!
Albus P. W. B. Dumbledore